We Are All Strangers : Workshop & Roundtable(2022)

We Are All Strangers(2022)는 워크샵과 라운드테이블로 구성된 프로그램이다. 레지던시 기간동안 발아시킨 깻잎 모종을 참여자 각자가 가져온 화분에 심어보며 사회에 존재하는 여러 ‘경계’와 그로부터 발생하는 다양한 의미의 이주 행위에 대해 서로의 경험을 나누었다. 「THE CARE MANIFESTO : The politics of Interdependence(2020)」, 「사람, 장소, 환대」, 김현경, 「Of Hospitality」 Jacques Derrida를 참고도서로 읽고 인용했다.

We Are All Strangers (2022) is a program composed of workshops and roundtable. At the workshop, participants transplanted Perilla seedlings, which had been nurtured by artist, into pots they brought themselves. This activity served as a roundtable theme for sharing personal experiences and reflections on the various "boundaries" existing in society and the diverse forms of migration that arise from them. Reference books included "The Care Manifesto: The Politics of Interdependence" (2020), "People, Place, and Hospitality" by Kim Hyun Kyung, and "Of Hospitality" by Jacques Derrida.

Workshop and Roundtable view: DE KWEKERIIJ (2022, Corrosia)  ⓒ Miru Bahc

Workshop and Roundtable view: DE KWEKERIIJ (2022, Corrosia)  ⓒ Dewi Veldhuizen

Workshop and Roundtable view: DE KWEKERIIJ (2022, Corrosia)  ⓒ Dewi Veldhuizen

Workshop and Roundtable view: DE KWEKERIIJ (2022, Corrosia)  ⓒ Miru Bahc

Workshop and Roundtable view: DE KWEKERIIJ (2022, Corrosia)  ⓒ Miru Bahc

Workshop and Roundtable view: DE KWEKERIIJ (2022, Corrosia)  ⓒ Miru Bahc

 “What, we now ask, would happen if we were to begin instead to put ‘CARE’  at the very centre of life?” 
from 「THE CARE MANIFESTO : The politics of Interdependence(2020)」

Workshop and Roundtable view: DE KWEKERIIJ (2022, Corrosia)  ⓒ Dewi Veldhuizen

Workshop and Roundtable view: DE KWEKERIIJ (2022, Corrosia) ⓒ Dewi Veldhuizen

Workshop and Roundtable view: DE KWEKERIIJ (2022, Corrosia)  ⓒ Miru Bahc

Workshop and Roundtable view: DE KWEKERIIJ (2022, Corrosia)  ⓒ Dewi Veldhuizen