If they have not died, then they still live today
└ We Are All Strangers : Workshop
└ DE KWEKERIIJ(The Nursery)
└ Tempelhofer field OCT/15/2019
└ Like A Seed
└ Flora of Cha’s garden
└ 부코브에서 In Bukow
└ If they have not died, then they still live today
Ici, c’est mon potager
여기가 내 텃밭이다.
The Nursery
: Open Studio Of Atelier AM, Residency program
The Nursery
: Open Studio Of Atelier AM, Residency program
Atelier AM 레지던시 오픈 스튜디오에서는 J에게 쓴 편지 낭독 퍼포먼스와 쑥갓, 부추 페스토를 선보였다. 레지던시 기간동안 함께 지내며 여러 보살핌을 건네주었던 S에 대한 이야기와 다시 유럽을 횡단하며 경험한 것들에 대해 이야기한다. 워크샵을 통해 만든 사람들의 깻잎 화분과 글들도 함께 전시되었다.
At the Atelier AM Residency Open Studio, a reading performance of letters written to J was presented, along with displays of Crown daisy and Chive pesto. The event included stories about S, who offered various forms of care during the residency period, as well as reflections on experiences from a journey across Europe. The exhibition also featured perilla plant pots and writings created during the workshops.