13 Botanical Illustrations, 2021, zine, ink on paper, 16 x 13 cm ⓒ Miru Bahc
13 Botanical Illustrations (2022)

이 씨앗들이 어디서 온 것이냐고 묻자, Cha는 어떤 것은 한국에 있는 가족들이 보내온 것이고 어떤 것은 20년도 전에 함부르크에 사는 친구가 편지봉투에 넣어 보내준 것이라고 했다. 또 어떤 씨앗은 한국에 방문했을 때 가방에 슬쩍 넣어왔다며 작은 목소리로 말해주었다. 그 텃밭에 대해 물을 때면,  Cha는 그 곳에서 일어난 크고 작은 모든 일들에 대해 마치 어제 일어난 이야기처럼 들려주었다. Cha의 텃밭 이야기는 천천히 내 마음에 하나씩 심겼다.(...)
- 작가 노트 중

When I asked where these seeds came from, Cha said some were sent by her family in Korea, while others had been mailed to her over 20 years ago by a friend living in Hamburg, tucked inside an envelope. She added in a small voice that some seeds had been discreetly slipped into her bag during her visit to Korea. Whenever I asked about her garden, Cha would recount every little event that took place there as if it had happened just yesterday. Cha's stories about her garden were slowly planted in my heart, one by one.(...)
- In the Artist note

13 Botanical Illustrations, 2021, zine, ink on paper, 16 x 13 cm ⓒ Miru Bahc

13 Botanical Illustrations, 2021, zine, ink on paper, 16 x 13 cm ⓒ Miru Bahc